Right away, Jacknow gets us into this uncomfortable, last-scene-of- Invasion of the Body Snatchers-esque glarefest that Ella (Dianna Agron) has to withstand at a friend’s baby shower.

I’ve had many friends who’ve borne the wrath of those finger-pointers, the people who turn vicious when they hear that a woman doesn’t want kids… and it is, quite frankly, no one else’s business except theirs. But the societal pressure we put on women to procreate to propagate the species is unbearable. We’re all just people on this earth walking our own paths, and not every path is the same. I’m not one of those people who believe that every woman has to have a child in order to fulfill her life’s purpose or whatever. And my goodness, Alexis Jacknow and her film Clock push a whole lot of ‘em.
But I also have to remind myself that movies and TV aren’t meant to be real they’re supposed to push buttons and get you to react. When I get to watch screenings with Jenn – who’s attended over 500 births – I always get the scoop on how real or not these portrayals are. Having a wife who’s a doula can be very informative, especially when it comes to film or television depictions of birth and the events surrounding it, from baby showers to prenatal visits.